Tony was a quintessential hippie, and his was a storied life. Tony is a Cold Fusion pioneer and mathematician. As a champion of medicinal use of marajuana, he is the pioneer breeder of legendary "Cat Piss" cannibis strain in the 1970s.
Tony was brilliant, fun-loving, stubborn, a peace advocate and activist. Tony helped anyone who needs it. He had many health problems in the last couple of years. He was a resident of the Hospice of St. John after a leg amputation and a series of strokes, and need of 24 hour care. The Hospice of St. John provided his nursing care round-the-clock.
Hospice of St. John cared for Tony. But, it is no longer providing services. They provided compassionate care for the terminally ill regardless of age or ability to pay. Their experienced caregivers had a wealth of services and were friendly and compassionate. They not only supported patients, but also families and friends. They alleviated stress and ensured that loved ones received an exceptional level of care.
Because of Tony's special needs and the excellent care he received, we ask you, the compassionate public, to help. Please make a donation to the organization of your choice to help pay for the care others receive which prepares them for their final journey.
You can experience the satisfaction of helping the needy pass on in peace and comfort, and help provide care for others who cannot care for themselves. Won't you make a contribution to a worthy organization today? Thank you!
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